butt_hurt_rules_may_30.pdf |
Warning: Butt Hurt is a card game played among friends that reveals the, sometimes uncomfortable, truth. This game is not designed for sensitive people who get butt hurt easily. Man up and have fun!
3-10 players. 18+ age. Game duration is 15-45 minutes depending on the number of players.
Each game includes:
· 110 Black cards (player cards)
· 95 Red cards (bad cards)
· 95 Blue cards (good cards)
1. Each player will first choose a different number from the Black deck (player cards). They lay this card face up in front of them. This card represents YOU for the duration of the game.
2. All players will then collect a black Player’s card matching each player’s number chosen from the black cards, including your own number. Place unused number cards to the side (they will not be used in the game).
3. Shuffle both the Red and Blue decks and place them face down on the table.
4. Select a score keeper. Example score cards are on the back.
5. The oldest player starts the game by reading the top Red card.
6. The Reader must determine one player (cannot vote for yourself) who they think best answers the question on the card by placing that player’s Black number card from their hand FACE DOWN in front of them.
7. All other players choose who they think the READER selected and places that player’s number from their hand FACE DOWN in front of them.
8. Once all players have chosen, the Reader rereads the question and, starting with the player to the left of the Reader, players will then turn over their chosen black Player’s card revealing their answer.
9. Once all players turned over and revealed who they think the READER has chosen, the Reader reveals who they chose by turning over their chosen black Player card.
10. Each player whose black card matches the Reader’s card receives a point.
11. If everybody chooses the same person as the Reader, everybody receives 1 point and the reader receives 2 points. If nobody chooses the same person as the Reader, the Reader subtracts 1 point from their score.
12. The player who receives the most votes will collect that card to be read at the end of the game as part of their ‘story’. See example below. These cards can be placed under your black player’s card throughout the game.
13. The round will continue clockwise until all players have been the Reader. This completes one round.
14. Repeat the above steps with the Blue cards.
15. After you have played four rounds, two rounds with the Red cards and two rounds with the Blue cards, the game is over.
16. The score keeper totals each player’s points. The player with the most points wins the game.
17. In case of a tie (at the end of the game), the group (minus the players who have tied) votes on which tied player got the most Butt Hurt throughout the game. That player wins!
18. Now the fun part- each person reads the cards they have collected in the first person creating their ‘story’. For example: “I am out of shape and likely to steal your stuff, but I am the best motivational speaker who will always answer your call”.
If Butt Hurt occurs, feel free to hug it out.
By playing Butt Hurt you agree Legend BHG LLC assumes no liability.
Butt Hurt game is not intended to be taken seriously.